Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Is Rover Passe?

According to insurance company PetFirst (Google them; I'm not going to make it easy), the most popular pop-culture-related names for dogs are Bentley, Roxy and Hershey (brand-related) and Lady, Jasmine and Mickey (character-related). Perhaps. But I've met a lot of pets in my time, and I get pretty far down the list before I can find a pet name I've actually heard of.

I may have met a Comet (no. 6 for brands) and/or a Rambo (no. 6 for characters) in my day. I definitely know a Harley (which surprisingly doesn't make the list. But I'm more concerned about some of the other names. Porsche (not Portia, for all you Shakespeare fans)? Pepsi? Ajax? (And I'm not sure that Hercules counts as "pop" culture.)

While I've never met any dogs with those names, I'm beginning to wonder if it says more about the people who buy pet insurance (the list was culled from PetFirst's policy holders) than it does the American public at large.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you're not actually suggesting that a company's p.r. department might manufacture or embellish data for the sake of some media attention, are you? shocking!